The 2017 Natural Mystic Fair was off the chain!!
There’s a Natural Mystic Blowing in the Air…
Tassili Mata Atma Maat
Thanks so much for your attendance at the 2017 Natural Mystic Fair!! We had record breaking numbers and this speaks to the growing desire to learn, to know, to grow. It’s because of this that we are able to raise the consciousness of our Beloved Community!! Then it becomes a ripple effect. Each one, reach one. Each one, teach one.
There were sooooooooo many highlights and take-aways. The Highest Point for me was the Community Blessing Way for Dr. Emikola Richardson. It was such a powerful expression of ritual community participation, rites of passage and love. The Natural Mystic presenters were very engaging and enlightening in their sharing. From the Libation Ceremony to the Dick Gregory Dedication to the Hare Krishna Kirtans to the Khemetic Hekau straight through to the likening of acupuncture to the traditional indigenous healing practices of Voodun.
It’s “Amazing Gracing” when the veils are lifted off our face!! We look forward to your regular checking in… as we re-member to re-member the omniverse of information, knowledge and wisdom that is available to us when we “Stay Woke!”
Wisdom, Peace & Love
Tassili Mata Atma Maat