The Natural Mystic Fair
Natural Mystic Fair Retreat 2024
A Concious Awareness camping experience
Day 1 – Time Travel and honoring The indigenous ones of Turtle island
Day 2 – Woke don’t mean Broke
Sacred Commerce, Financial literacy & manifesting your abundance
Day 3 – The Planetary Prayer for peace Party Manifesting and Cultivating peace within & without
September 6,7,& 8th
3-Days 3 night Family Friendly event
In 10 minutes from Tassili’s Raw Reality
location will be disclosed 48 hrs before event & after tickets have been purchased
No hard Drugs, No Alcohol, No Cigarettes/tobacco. Bags & coolers will be checked upon entry. -Zero Tolerance-
A Rain or Shine Event: No Refunds
Want to join us?
Food Vendors
All food vendors should be set up and ready to sell at the beginning of each festival no later than 11 am. Vendors may not purchase a booth and be closed during the festival you must be in operation. Thank you for your cooperation.
Non Food Vendors
If you are a Natural Mystic Practitioner or Merchandise vendor press the button to apply. All vendors should be set up and ready to sell at the beginning of each festival no later than 1pm. Vendors may not purchase a booth and be closed during the festival you must be in operation. Thank you for your cooperation.
1-2 person small tents 8.5x6ft 51sq ft
3-4 person med tent 8×7 ft 70sq ft
4-6 person large tents 10×9 ft 100s
No Charcoal grills no /hot plates Campgrounds are not set up for campers to do additional cooking however raw food prep is allowed There will be 2 Fire pits & food vendors. No hard Drugs, Alcohol, or cigarettes will be allowed on the premises.
10×10 & 15×15 spaces will be sectioned off for tents your tent will need to fit within these space specsFor more information contact us at
Day Passes
Non Camping Day passes 1pm-11pm
kids 1-15 enter free
3 Day pass $40 person but 1 get 1 1/2 off
2 Day pass $ $25 person buy 1 get 1 1/2 off
1 Day pass $15-1 person buy 1 get 1 1/2 off
Day pass attendees will not be allowed to stay past 11:00pm without a camping pass purchase.
You will be able to engage in all free activities happening during day pass hours.
If you are volunteering for the 2024 Natural Mystic Fair, please contact us at
If you are sponsoring the 2024 Natural Mystic Fair press the button to apply. Download Sponsorship Deck
42 laws of Ma’at
All Speakers, Artist, presenters, volunteers, staff and guest who attend the Natural Mystic Fair Retreat agree to follow the 42 laws of Ma’at while attending and or participating in the festival in any capacity.
1. I honor virtue
2. I benefit with gratitude
3. I am peaceful
4. I respect the property of others
5. I affirm that all life is sacred
6. I give offerings that are genuine
7. I live in truth
8. I regard all altars with respect
9. I speak with sincerity
10. I consume only my fair share
11. I offer words of good intent
12. I relate in peace
13. I honor animals with reverence
14. I can be trusted
15. I care for the earth
16. I keep my own council
17. I speak positively of others
18. I remain in balance with my emotions
19. I am trustful in my relationships
20. I hold purity in high esteem
21. I spread joy
22. I do the best I can
23. I communicate with compassion
24. I listen to opposing opinions
25. I create harmony
26. I invoke laughter
27. I am open to love in various forms
28. I am forgiving
29. I am kind
30. I act respectfully
31. I am accepting
32. I follow my inner guidance
33. I converse with awareness
34. I do good
35. I give blessings
36. I keep the waters pure
37. I speak with good intent
38. I praise the Goddess and the God
39. I am humble
40. I achieve with integrity
41. I advance through my own abilities
42. I embrace the All
Master Chef Tassili Ma’at
Culinary Mystic ~ Founder of The Natural Mystic Fair
When we are finally at a place where we are constantly healthy on all levels, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically, then we are whole integral beings. We have the potential to be masters of our destiny. Meaning we’ve not only figured it out, we are consciously choosing to align with the natural purity at all times. We are also then able to help teach others to get it too! We ALL have the opportunity to CHOOSE to become Natural Mystics ~ the Co-Creators of our Destiny!
To view photos from our first Natural Mystic Fair see our slide show below ~ PEACE & LOVE!