If you are sponsoring the 2021 Natural Mystic Fair, please complete our Sponsorship Form below.
Sponsorship Form
Join us for this exciting, innovative and healing event!
After being in a paradigm shift for months, it’s time for a NATURAL HEALING!! The theme for 2020 is “THE DIVINE FAMILY REUNION ~ A Sacred Gathering for Natural Mystics & The Raw Food Wizards”!! We are inviting ALL Lightworkers, Starseeds, Planetary Place Holders, Healers, Mystics, and Raw Food Wizards to participate!! There will be enlightening speakers, demonstrations and innertainment and lots of practitioners with booths servicing alternative healing! This sixth year promises to be another positive and uplifting experience. We will feature alternative healing vendors, products, equipment and services vital to alternative healing. Our media partners and expansive social networks will generate lots of publicity for NMF as we cater to a growing conscious and awakening community. This year we will include booths with our RAW VEGAN CHEFS!! We invite you to partner with us as a Sponsor and feature YOUR Natural Mystic Products or Services! This event is a synopsis for the livity that is a solution for a better quality of LIFE!! Ase’
Sponsorship Levels:
$2,500 Platinum Package
Everything included in Gold Package Plus
● Opportunity to speak for five minutes during festival
● $100 gift card for Tassili’s Raw Reality
● Two weeks promotional ads with TRR TV
$1,000 Gold Package
Everything included in Silver Package Plus
- One week promotional ads with TRR TV
$500 Silver Package
Everything included in Bronze Package Plus
- Complimentary marketing table at festival
$250 Bronze Package
Everything included in Bronze Package Plus
- Promotional shout-outs on all our social media
- Logo posted on www.tassilisrawreality.com
- One shout-out from announcer during festival
Thank you for taking the time to review this Sponsorship Package, we hope you’ll be one of our 6th Anniversary Natural Mystic Fair Partners!! **Please email a jpeg of your logo, your products, your ad and a 150 word doc blurb about your business, its owners, products & services to: events@tassilisraw.com
Contact: 404.480.0364 or events@tassilisraw.com